Cancellation request COVID effected traveler requesting help
Dear Management and billing department, I am a traveler currently stuck in the island of Sri Lanka in the COVID-19 lockdown situation. I have had no internet facility for 1 week to cancel the trail before the end of trial period. Today I found out that you have charged me for 1 year subscription. Please do a refund on this transaction asap because I have very little funds to survive here. please take this in to your special consideration and refund immediately because It is my living cost for a whole month here on my current destination of Sri Lanka under the emergency situation. my Order ID MK5MM36VS3 ( from apple store) . Invoice number ( 141345519194) PLease help me ASAP. thank you very much and kindly appreciate the most urgent support
Hello @kiraweb I'm very sorry about your situation. Unfortunately, you have to ask Apple Store directly for a refund. Here is a manual you can follow: this doesn't look like our subscription. Check first, if you have our app: hope your situation will be sorted out