Windy support of weather data collection networks?
I have a solid Rainwise personal weather station. The data from the station is sent to Rainwise's cloud. I can subscribe any of these data collection networks to read my data from that cloud - Ambiant weather, CWOP, Weather Underground, Met Office, AWEKAS, and PWS Weather.Does Windy use any of those services?
@willmorr Hi, if you have your own weather station, you can share your data with and display it on the map. You will need to complete a registration and generate your API key here -
I have just subscribed PWS to my Rainwise account. I read elsewhere in this community that Windy might be able to access my station's data from there. Is this true?
I have registered the station and have a Station ID. I am not seeing where to get a key. The Open API button takes me to text / discussion pages.