A look into the future ...
ECMWF scientists has just completed
the world’s first seasonal timescale global simulation
of the Earth’s atmosphere
with 1 km average grid spacing.
https://www.ecmwf.int/en/about/media-centre/science-blog/2020/baseline-global-weather-and-climate-simulations-1-km -
Ouch, such a global resolution would be a bit better than 0.01° (1111m at 0° Lat), i.e. 100x360x100x180 = 648 M cells/grid for each parameter/level.
To be compared to current global weather forecast model GFS 0.25° (1 M cells/grid).
I guess displaying grids of such a model on public web applications should also wait for future high-speed internet cables and hardware :o)))
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