Return the old colors to atmospheric pressure.
Today I saw new colors with disgust, only 2 colors on the map and this brown color is just disgusting. Please return the old colors!
Use them during one or 2 weeks, you will like them. Otherwise you can modify these colors by yourself in Settings -> Customize color layers.
Personally I prefer to have this pressure field in blue and red (or brown) with white in between, than the old color setting. -
But I don't know the numbers of the old colors. Could you add a button "Back to the old color scheme" Or please add a choice for users - Color scheme 1, Color scheme 2 and so on.
@idefix37 Agree that before we saw several colors, and now only 2 brown and blue.

Just the normal way to show atmospheric pressure at sea level with 2 colors. -
@Tank302 Hi, you can choose the color you want from the color scheme, you do not really need to know the codes.
@Korina Yes, I can choose, but I don't know the codes of these old colors. (I mean RGB) Especially since the colors can only be selected for "hPa" and I use European units "mmHg"
Still, can you give users a choice so they can switch to either a new color scheme or an old one?
Windy has changed several time the color schemes of most layers. Do you imagine making available all the old color schemes? Windy offers the possibility to customize the color palette which is a nice feature. In case of future color changes, keep a copy of the current settings you like :) -
@Tank302 Hello, you can set the colors for all the units, not only hPa, the unit showed in the color scheme corresponds with your current settings. We do not plan to offer old color selection, since you can always set it by yourself.