Rain forecasts issue
I believe that there is an issue here with the rain forecast. Data showed by 3h are different than the forecast by 1h.
Look here :
Total rain forecast for Saturday (today) foreseen by IFS (3h fcst) is 0.5 + 0.2=0.7mmNow, look here when I check the forecast by 1h :
Here for the same period, Saturday afternoon, total is different and is 0.3mm onlyWhere the difference comes from ?
Your remark is similar to this one:
In Meteogram Windy displays only rain amounts equal to 0.1 mm or more.
So the 0.2 mm at 17h i.e. during the last 3 hours, could be the result of less than 0.1mm per hour, let’s say 0.08+0.09+0.06=0.23~0.2
It is more difficult to explain the 0.5 mm at 14h as in addition to 0.3mm at 13h it would need 0.1+0.1 during the other 2 hours. May be due to the way how are these values are rounded ?? -
Thanks for your comment !We are talking about small quantities of rain, of course. In general below 0.4mm you even don’t really notice it if you are outside ! It could be related to the the way it is rounded but as you highlight, the 0.5mm is harder to explain.
I wanted to mention it again to be sure it is not related to something else, sometimes small inconsistencies like in the case here hide in fact a bigger problem. Windy team should just comment and confirm.
I can monitor it during the coming days/weeks, especially a day with much more rain to see if the difference 3h/1h rain forecast remains still small or not
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