Wrong tax when trying to subscribe
I went to subscribe and the total included sales tax, which for my location is not charged for services. Additionally, it wanted to charge the wrong percentage for sales tax. Can someone help me resolve this?
@hoekma Hello, where did you try to subscribe please? Was it on App/Google Store or desktop?
Hi @Korina I went through the desktop / web browser.
@hoekma Hi, which country are you from?
@korina -- sorry for the late response - i'm not notified when you reply. I am in the United States.
@hoekma Hello, in case of any doubts regarding charged sales tax, please contact platform, where you made the purchase, it could be either FastSpring, App Store or Google Store.
Thank @Korina. I actually didn't finish the purchase due to the tax error. Will try to find a way to subscribe via the Google Store. You have a great app.