bolded text
Hi @machiukit, would you send me a screenshot?
This post is deleted! -
Here, can't send you short screen, may I use email?
@machiukit to upload a picture, tap on this icon, the one you are using is when you are sending a link to it :)
@machiukit This could be caused by customizing the resolution of your device's screen and customizing fonts.
已經重裝 windy app 但都不能解決問題,風向給紅色最底部遮蓋了!怎樣選擇都不能顯示風向! -
@machiukit As mentioned above, please, check the settings of your phone/device. This is probably caused by custom settings of screen resolution and font.
@petra-pik 好的,我試試改改吧,Thx
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