Keyboard shortcuts
Zoom map
to zoom in/out the mapSearch
or keyF
to open search window. Enter location or use up and down cursor keys to select the one from the list of suggestionsTimeline
Use the left (
) and right (→
) cursor keys to move forward or backward in the timeline.Layers
Use up (
) down (↓
) cursor keys to switch between the weather layers.Altitude
Use Page Up and Page down keys to change the wind altitude.
Use fn and plus the up and down arrow keys (
) down (↓
) if you are on mac. -
Thanks, Ivo.
I did stumble across these shortcuts a little while ago and have found them very useful.
Is it possible to add an additional keyboard shortcut that alternates between the available computer models?
This would be super useful when making quick model comparisons of particular weather features.
I'd love to have +/-24h shortcuts (like CTRL+), and model change shortcuts.
Thank you!Btw, I think you have to change the wx radar symbol because is the same with preci. type symbol (an umbrella!).
How do you like something like this? -
On Twitter, "?" brings up a list of keyboard shortcuts. Saves a lot of bytes,
There's also
) to zoom the map. -
Thanks for information!.
well. thank you for your suggestions. but ctrl + + is for zoom in
Unrelated to adding a hotkey, I'd like for windy to not hijack windows hotkeys Ctrl-Tab and Shift-Ctrl-Tab. Windy unnecessarily uses those keys to duplicate the function of the plain-old Tab key, and I see no option to disable that. (I need those keys to switch tabs while in full-screen mode.)
@so-bad Thank you, we will consider this.
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Thanks for the keyboard shortcuts :)
In addition to left and right, could we also have the option to jump bigger steps with different keys please? Eg:
< > 1 hour
Left Right 3 hours
PgUp PgDown 12 hours(Use whichever keys you like, not too fussed about that.)
When you go Premium, left and right only increments by 1 hour so you find yourself RSI-inducingly stabbing away at the keyboard as it slowly transitions (especially overnight when you're usually less interested). We could really do with another set of keys for 3 / 6 / 12 hours.
@asifnaveed8527 thankssssss
@NataliaAndruk it would be amazing if WASD moved the map.
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