Hourly rain does not show 3 hour rain
The local forecast by hourly view, does not show the same as in the 3 hour forecast. 3 hour was correct in predicting the rain for today where as 1 hour view showed only sun & clouds for the same period. ECMWF
I have screen shots. Unable to attach them. -
Here is are the screen shots at the time. Forecast for today seems better and will keep an eye on it for the future.
This is not a problem. It's just due to the fact that in Meteogram rain amounts are only shown if they are over than 0.1mm. So in 3 hours you can get 0.2mm, with less than 0.1mm per each hour (e.g. 0.08mm+0.07mm+0.05mm=0.2mm)... and 0.2mm is really nothing.
Same reported here:
https://community.windy.com/topic/12851/rain-forecasts-issue?_=1596124025070 -
Yes, @idefix37 is right, below 0.4-0.5mm of rain, you can even not notice it,... -
@idefix37 thank-you for the explanation.