How do I report a weather station that is in the wrong place?
I live in the UK, very near where Great Dun Fell weather station is shown on Windy. I noticed the weather it reports is always radically worse than the real weather, and I found the true location of Great Dun Fell is precisely 150nmiles to the North of where it’s shown on Windy - all lat/long figures are the same except the big one! True location is 54 40’N, not 51 40’ as shown on Windy. Mystery solved, but it would be good to correct it if possible.
@challfrocester Of course I meant 180 nautical miles N, not 150. There are of course 60 nm in a degree - duh, blame not enough coffee.
You are right. The wrong location of this weather station has been already reported one year ago but nothing happened ! It’s just one figure to change in the coordinates : -
@idefix37 Ah thanks - apologies for duplication! But if anyone knows how we can report this, please tell us!
Hello @challfrocester, the weather station info has to be corrected by the owner of the station since it's theirs. We are not able to correct it.
@petra-pik Thanks, I’d guessed so. As it’s a station that I think might be on a Ministry of Defence site (radar warning station) that’s a little bit worrying!
Don’t worry with the duplication, it was just to show that following the same message one year ago, the error was not corrected.
It is not the owner of this weather station (the British Ministry of Defence) who have added the station on Windy. That’s not a personal weather station. imagine Windy have got the data elements from WMO WS database or from a third party provider.
By the way here is the information about this weather station on a French weather website with the correct location and coordinatesThey are probably using the same database as Windy?