Wind / wave direction incorrect along a route
I have noticed today that wind and wave direction along a route are approx 90 degrees out. They are shown correctly in a forcast for a given location, but along a route are incorrect. In the image legs 2 - 3 winds are pretty much across the leg, easterly wind, but in data below are shown as northerly.
@roohairy Have been playing with this more, this bug seems to only be associated with routes through #Marco. Later on into #Laura wind directions are good along a route.
What reference of wind direction have you set?
You have 3 choices, North up, Bottom to top, Left to right.
If you have not chosen North up, that could explain why the wind is 90° offset. For a boat trip it is better to set this reference.In this example the wind direction is correct referring to the North direction.
Setting to North up seems to have cured this, stupidly I didn't look at what it had been set to but guessing it was something else. Hadn't noticed this option, thanks.