Devastating California wildfires continue
California wildfires became deadly, killing 6 people and scorching nearly 700 buildings. Extreme fire behaviour with climate conditions is continuously challenging firefighters containing efforts.
Massive wildfires were caused by recent record heat wave and early lightning storm from last week. 585 fires were started by approximately 12 000 lightning strikes.
The 2 biggest fires at the moment are the LNU Lightning Complex in the northern Bay Area and Central Valley and SCU Lightning Complex east of San Jose.
Fires have burned over 1 milion acres over the past week and there appears to be no end yet, since there are more dry thunderstorm forecasted. In combination with heatwave, any precipitation from the storm will evaporates before even reaching the ground. Therefore leaving only lightning strikes to cause more fires.
Lightning strikes forecast can be monitored via Thunderstorm layer and global overview of fires via Fire intensity layer.