Where is General Tutorial??
I "think" I'm gonna luv Windy. I say think because I can't find a tutorial that explains how to use it.
It's all fine and good to see the arrows and wave slashes moving about, but I can't find any directions on just how to read the colors, etc.
It seems obvious. I'm embarrassed to be sending this, but that's the way it is.
You are probably talking about Windy, the weather app, not Windy Maps which is a navigation app.
There is no general tutorial for Windy.
I don’t know if it can help you, but you may have a look at
This manual is not "official" and may not be complete. Then the layout of the screen has been changed since this info has been made in 2018 by Colin a Windy user.
Concerning « how to read the colors », you have a color scale at bottom right corner of you screen (or bottom of screen for the phone app) which gives the "meaning" of the colors.Quite easy, no? Then for a more precise reading of wind speed you can click a point of the map to show the weather picker.