Hello ! Can WS3500 weather station be connected to Windy?
@Chubuk Hello, to make your station appear on, you will need to register your station on and share the data via API.
Sorry, there is no such section in the weather station to send API data (
Tell me what needs to be done I'm new to this business ( -
Or advise which station to buy to connect to Windy
@Chubuk What type of station do you have?
Sainiogic WS3500
i already connected to wunderground, weathercloud and ecowitt
@Chubuk How do you connect the station to wunderground?
But I can't connect to you(
Maybe additional equipment is needed ? -
Can meteobridge light Wetterserver ?
Три бессонные ночи и всё стало понятно )
Очень отзывчивые Пользователи )
Вот так я буду подключать метеостанцию WS3500 к
- Собираем метеостанцию WS3500 из коробки бла бла бла,там не чего сложного)
- Включаем планшет который идет в комплекте и ждём отображения данных.
(не забудьте вставить батарейки) - Устанавливаем приложения на телефон
- Подключаем телефон к планшету по WiFi
- И здесь я отвлёкся \
@Chubuk Hello, did you succeeded with connection the station?
I'm waiting for the GW1000 to arrive and I will send through CumulusMX
Hello! I connected GW1000 to CumulusMX set API Station did not appear (
ID: f05f62e8 -
Hello, did you follow this manual?
You need to set up the station ID to 0.
Hello! yes it is, there is one but (so far only GW1000 is connected)
You can see everything in CumulusMX, you can see it on Ecowit, https: // is also visible) -
@Chubuk Hello, if you have 2 stations, then the second stations needs to have ID = 1.