favorite or hide models
Hi, since i find it a little confusing to see all possible models forefront, is it possible to favorite some or hide other models?
I guess you are referring to the compare tool displaying all data from all models available. Unfortunately, you cannot hide some of the models presented in this comparison. -
@Yves70 not that one, but the buttons in general. i also get confused because the names are different in the different windows. for example: in one it is called bluemeteo or something and in another, it is called NIEMS or something. is it possible to get one same name? it would be much more instant to understand...
Confusion comes from the fact that each model is made by a company or an institute and each model has a specific name. Problem is that people use often the name of the institute in place of the name of the model :Meteoblue makes a model called NEMS
ECMWF makes a model called IFS
The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) produces a weather forecast model called GFS
German Weather Service and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology work together to propose a model called ICON
@Yves70 yes correct. in this application there is a mix of both in labels and i don't undwerstand why. why use not the same type of label for every button and model? for example use acronym for button label and company for description!
There is a reason why you have different labels for NEMS and METEOBLUE. As said by @Yves70 Meteoblue is a weather company which process and run the NEMS model shown by Windy in maps. But they have another model that they call METEOBLUE AI and it is the one which is shown in Meteogram. Reason why you find some discrepancies between maps and Meteogram with these 2 models, but from the same provider.
https://community.windy.com/topic/10316/metoblue-wildly-inaccurate-in-the-sw-usa/4?_=1599640192010 -
@idefix37 hmmm ok thanks! so i don't understand the further step: i have one model in the map and a different model in the meteo chart below the map from the same company?
Yes, Meteoblue explains in the link above... so that we do not produce a gridded AI forecast that could be plotted on a map. It is the reason why Windy needs to show a map from NEMS data. -
si claro que es posible
i would like to suggest this feature to hide models of your choice, but it seems a little more complicated than a straight path. but however, i am proposing it; maybe if anyone else is interested in it...
@Rovina thank you for the suggestion, we will consider it as a future feature