Scale for PM 2.5 not correct
The PM 2.5 scale is not correct. The range is not standard. How does this number as shown by the flag relate to the standard 0-500 scale?
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This bug has already been reported.
It is really important to have this scale conform to global standards
Are you going to fix this? -
@Bartcola, the scale is for PM 2.5 not the air quality index (AQI, 0-500 scale). The AQI index is calculated with other pollutants as well as PM 2.5. The scale for PM 2.5 is in micrograms per meter cubed and is one factor used to calculate the AQI. For more info check out this site
@flacofloats Exactly, thank you for your description!
Yes, I see. Can you provide a formula to convert the Windy number to the 0-500 scale. I fully understand it is not a simple linear relationship. I can do the math given that the other variables are provided in the data types you present.
Thank you. -
@bartcola Hello, I cannot provide a formula, as mentioned above the scale is correct based on global AQI standard.