Meteoblue forecasts
The meteoblue forecasts is not fully functional at Windy, this service uses relative humidity only in it's forecasts to measure humidity so, the meteoblue forecasts here at windy is incomplete, this also leads to miss the "reality vs forecast" feature here when checking the reports of stations that only measure dew point like airports stations and WMO stations. Can you "Windy team" put percents of humidity in forecasts instead of dew points and integrate the humidity percent calculations in the reports of airports and WMO weather stations, this would be very practical and informative and saves the time of getting numbers and doing calculations.
Integrate relative humidity in the meteogram has been discussed and already proposed in previous posts. Let’s see the outcome in the future
In the meantime, you can always use the humidity map available in Windy with Nems from Meteoblue as model. Of course, all the other models are available as well -
@Yves70 Nems is not a global model, Meteoblue has other global models which we can't use their full functionality here at Windy- I mean specially the relative humidity predictions.
Even if I used Nems for some locations in the world I still can't fully benefit from the"reality vs forecast" feature here at Windy as the majority of stations are airports and WMO weather stations.
No, NEMS is a multi-scale model (used from global down to local domains). More info here : -
@Yves70 I meant the one used here at Windy for maps, you can clearly see that it is hardly covers one continent which is Europe.
Ignorance isn't a nice deed Windy team, should I cover my real age to get some attention?!
@Ahmed-A-AS Hello, we appreciate your suggestion. If we gather enough feedback from users, we may consider some changes.