Pollution does not work
The various indicators for pollution do not work in Taiwan. For example.. during the 1st and 15th of every month, tens of millions of people will burn copious amounts of religious paper for hours on end, but not ONLY on those days. The current fires indicators do not reflect this AT ALL. This isn't the only issue I've found in Taiwan with this app though. During the religious festivals the fire and smoke are not reflected whatsoever in the air quality index, and what is shown is greatly inaccurate all over Taiwan.
The Air Quality Index is provided by local air quality stations. So if this index is wrong according to you, that means that Taiwanese stations provide wrong values. Here is as example the level for NOxConcerning the Fire intensity as explain in About these data... , it is the radiative power measured from space by satellite sensors. Burning papers does not probably provide enough radiative energy to be detected by these sensors.
So that is not issues in Taiwan from Windy app as you say.