Windy station Posting
Hi, this is my first go at posting to windy, I just want to make sure i've got this right.
my station is based on a raspberry Pi zero and has temp, pressure and humidity
(for now, wind speed and more to come!)
I'm currently trying to send these values to my registered station with the API key using a python scriptedit
forgot to mention this is controlled by Cron and posts every 5 minutes as per the windy guidelinesthe script is as follows :
*omitted* URL = '*MY-API-HERE*?' #while running try: #read the humidity and temperature humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, sensor_pin) #read the pressure pressure = bmp280.get_pressure() #set up URL PARAMS PARAMS = "temp={temperature}&pressure={pressure}&rh={humidity}".format(**vars()) #deterimine if the reading is valid, and only print valid readings if humidity is not None and temperature is not None and pressure is not None: #post to windy station requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS) *omitted*
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