Paid for Premium Access but don't have it
Hi there, I have paid an annual subscription, but when I try and access hourly forecasts I am directed ti subscribe. I get the opportunity to add an order reference, by there is no reference on my order.
and solved I believe - via manage you account link.
Hello @janeEturner, thank you for supporting us by subscribing to Windy Premium.
You can tell you are a Premium user by the crown icon placed on your profile picture, do you see it?
I have the crown icon but if I check upfate frequency on weatherdata it is not 1 hour as said to be! It’s more like the interval of the free version!
Unfortunately it does not work to upload a screen dump here as well...
//Ulf -
I still have every three hours!
Pls could you post a screenshot of Meteogram. -
Now it works!!