windy-plugin-skewt – new features :)
Thanks for the feeback @Gkikas-LGPZ. Easy fix. Either I had originally missed it, or it was added by Windy later, but there is indeed a 250mb datapoint. All I had to do was add it in. You may need to give it a few hours to update, but I've published the change.
Nice plugin !
It seems you have something wrong when calculating altitude related to pressure
Hey @EduardoSG
sorry if I'm being slow, but what's the issue?
z = -H * log(P/Po)
so 500 hPa should be around 7000 m, no?
500 hPa gph rarely observed higher than 6000m -
John, 500hPa is about 5500m -
I just use the above equation in that calculation, it's just an estimate. Is there a better equation I can use? If not, suggestions on how to approach it? It's been a while since I did this stuff.
Also see "example1" -
There is also this NOAA online calculator with corresponding formula.
Okay, added a fix for that in v0.9.2 🌨️🌞
Hi @johnckealy
I found what I think can be a bug.
When I change models, the sounding displayed changes differently depending from which previous model I am changing to.In my region I have ECMWF - GFS and ICON, in that order from left to right
When I go from any of the first two to ICON, it seems to repeat on of the previous two soundings
When I go from ICON to any of the previous two, it shows a different sounding (the same if I go from ICON to GFS or from ICON to ECMWF)In total there are three soundings, but it is not clear which one corresponds to which model because of this glitches
I atach two screenshots
Sorry about that, I thought I'd fixed this already. Thanks for reporting the bug. I've just written a fix (v0.9.3).
Let me know if you still see problems.