featureGroup not show in windy
Hi, I am new to windy.
I am trying to draw semi circle on map, so i am using an extension called 'Leaflet-semicircle'.
but when i add the semi circles into a featureGroup, then add featureGroup into M.map, it dosen't anything on windy.
Is something wrong?
windyInit(options, function (windyAPI) { var map = windyAPI.map; var latlng = [0, 0]; function rangerings (latlng, opts) { opts = L.extend({ count: 8, interval: 1000, direction: 120, spread: 60 }, opts); var layer = L.featureGroup(); for (var i = 1; i
L.semiCircle(latlng, { radius: i * opts.interval, fill: false, color: '#4285f44a', weight: 5 }).setDirection(opts.direction, opts.spread).addTo(layer); } return layer; } rangerings(latlng).addTo(map).bringToFront(); }
L.featureGroup is supported
Maybe the problem is the color, your color is very faint on wind map.
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