Planning tool-Scale
HI,The new "planning tool" is very useful and attractive ! thanks !
just a little suggestion for Boating navigational use :
Adding a Date/time scale to distance scale NM
( simple complement to Cursor informations )
Bests regards -
Hi, you want a Date/time information for each way points?
In fact this information is already available along the timeline. -
A time Axis seems useful ( for a screen copy for instance )
(=> info cursor "complement" )
Best regards -
Thank you for screenshot. -
@idefix37 Warning :
more a little observation: Time along time line is not really correct
when we move along rignt and left => difference time and calculation (time xspeed)Time seems memorized (just for a slot time )and not update when we move back...
Not critical for your big and suuuper software .
Best regards