How more accurate are future cloud locations for premium vs standard?
Hi I am a hobbyist landscape photographer and I was curious about something:
How more "accurate" are the forecasts? I often plan shoots and need to travel to get there so a next day or morning accurate forecast would be very useful for me
I sometimes need to drive an hour or so, and I am reliant on the data I get the previous day whether I know to make the effort to travel to photograph the location or not
It helps with planning so it would be important. Just wanted to check how miuch "more" accurate the cloud position and type forecast with the premium service is compared to the standard
The prediction for clouds or for any other parameters, is more precise because the model is updated every 6h.
And the prediction is more detailed:With Premium, offering 1h forecast steps, you know that before sunset there will be no cloud. That is not shown by the standard Meteogram.
Thank you. I just paid for a subscription so ill see how it goes
I normally just click on the layers and choose clouds and click High clouds. ( high clouds tend to give good colour at sunset or sunrise )
Is there any other tricks I can do to determine the clouds position at x time?
Also Im not sure why, when I click on "clouds" it shows an amount of cloud on the desired loction, but when I click high cloud, it often shows a much larger area of high cloud. So Im not sure what that means
I thought the "clouds" parent layer was ALL cloud types, and the sub layers under that "high cloud" and "low clouds" were sub layers under the parent "clouds" layer
maybe I am misunderstanding something
You may use Meteogram, but not the Basic version, to get an idea of cloud coverage according to levels.But the calculation of cloudiness is different from the layers
Thanks ill have to see how to access Meteogram. Never heard of it
Never heard if it ? :)
Just click the map at a chosen location and press the amber arrow of the picker.