Meteogram Snow Text Color
As mentioned in, the text color for Snow in the Meteogram can be very hard to read depending upon the background grey level. Note that the Moderator response in that thread was to reference another thread that discussed icon colors, not text color.
This issue also appears for some of the other precipitation colors, again depending upon the background grey level. For example, in the attached screen shot from an iPhone, the Snow text from 0900 to 1100 is really hard to distinguish, and the Convective text at 1300 and 1400 is similarly difficult. On an iPhone, it takes serious effort to make out the values, and this is a major usability issue.
I don't know what the best solution would be, because I suspect any individual color will be difficult to read in small text if the grey level coincides with the background. Perhaps using more saturated colors would help, or perhaps dynamically adjusting the color based on the background for each label (although that would be tricky, since you have to look at where the text is landing, it can be across a gradient of greys, etc.).
You may understand that displaying so much information on a phone screen is tricky. I suggest that you switch to Basic instead of Meteogram when you cannot read the amount of snow. The Basic diagram shows clearer figures.