Strangely wrong wind conditions and forecasts
Since the last weeks, Windy has been showing wrong conditions for my location (Porto Alegre, Brazil).
Frequently, the map shows the wind from one direction, and in the tables below the direction is completely different.
Right now, for instance, it is showing a 30kt wind, which is really not true.
I am sending today's image (below can be seen the text 'updated 8 hours ago' - this can be a problem).
Thanks. -
@ernanikern Hello, I just check the location and all seems ok. Do you have any more examples please?
@korina Hello Korina. Other examples only from my memory... but the current condition is very different to the one shown in Windy.
Thanks. -
@ernanikern Have you tried other models as well? Windy visualizes forecast based on local and global models, therefore it is essential to try more model than just one.
real time observations show wind from southwest direction.
This is in accordance with the forecast wind flow.
Your screen is correct, Gkikas.
As shown in the picture, mine keeps showing wrong direction on the map.
@Korina the models you cited earlier are those at the bottom (ecmwf or gfs)? Both show the same for me.Thank you all for your help.
Have you set the altitude to Surface?
Wind in Meteogram is predicted at surface (10 m) but in the map you can set the altitude to different level, which gives a different speed and direction. -
That was the problem.... I didn't know about this setting, and it was set to 14.000 feet....Sorry for that, and thank you all again, @Korina @Gkikas-LGPZ and @idefix37