How to share de data of my different METEOHELIX ws on
I can already forward my data to WU with this script (see attachment!)
Is it possible to give something similar?
Luc -
Hello @ltrullem this can be done only by Barani developers.
You can try asking them.
There is a way to send data via API calls to Windy, I think this can help the Barani developers.I will try asking to Barani, too.
Please @Korina can you help us on finding the how-to send data via API ?
Thank you.
I read your blog it really contains a lot of useful information which helps me a lot. thanks for sharing. Samadhan
@raffaello-dimartino @ltrullem This doesn't look like you need the developers. I'm pretty sure this setting will work:
Get an API key on and set up a station there.
Fill in the wunderground settings as in the picture, building a json string as shown on section B/ POST JSON
Save and wait for 48 hours, the station should appear on windy by then.
Addendum: Also check to see if the data arrives
Thank you if windy has similar format to wunderground it's ok.I will try too with mine Meteohelix in Rome
@seb-schmied Tested, but due to wrong programming, the web interface doesn't regonize the nested JSON format so it says: JSON error.
It works only with this format:
}The result is: Request failed with status code 500
I think I will manage it with my Meteotemplate plugin. -
@raffaello-dimartino I don't have a wunderground so I can test. Does the json you tried work in ? (Replace the placeholders with example values for checking)
Checked your github, you obviuously know that yourself, sorry for even asking this :)
@seb-schmied oh absolutely don't worry.
The problem is:Barani web site uses the variables with {} which can confuse the JSON.
I don't know the measure of unit requested by windy and in case are different to the barani I cannot convert to the right one.
What parameters can I upload to windy? And what are their names? -
@raffaello-dimartino There's a parameters names / units reference on just below the json example.
@seb-schmied Thank you very much.
This JSON should be OK:
}The web site cron is sending it every 10 minutes (just when the packet arrives from the Sigfox network).
I still not see anything here:,12.507,8
Unfortunately, I have no feedback on any errors, since I am not the portal manager sending the POST request.
@raffaello-dimartino I tested it simulating what the website should do and it works.
The Windy server answers with: SUCCESS -
You can check if data arrives at or similar to make it readable.
I just did that. Data does arrive, but some of it seems off: temperature (413.844458007812 kelvin) and 338046000 pressure (that's 3.3 megapascal) are too high.
temp instead of tempf (f=fahrenheit) and pressure instead of baromin will probably fix that.
Rest looks fine.
Don't worry about the link not working and the station not showing up yet, that's normal. It will work after 36 hours or so when windy fetches new stations.
@seb-schmied Oh I remember now:
temperature (413.844458007812 kelvin) and 338046000 pressure (that's 3.3 megapascal)You're right in my plugin I've done the conversion.
Ok there is no choise to send pressure data via Meteohelix portal. I cannot do conversions before the JSON generation.The barom is in pa and without the altitude correction:
# Baros $pa_in_hpa = 0.01; @$weather_data['baromabshpa'] = round( $weather_data['pressure'] * $pa_in_hpa, 2 ); @$weather_data['baromrelhpa'] = round(($weather_data['baromabshpa'] * pow(1 - (0.0065*$altitude) / ($weather_data['tempc'] + (0.0065 * $altitude) + 273.15),-5.257 )), 2);
Thank you for the link to check the update.
@raffaello-dimartino Buit can't you just tell windy it's in pascal? You don't need to do any conversions. Try
@seb-schmied No I can't as the barani outputs are:
temperature: in Kelvin - this needs to be converted in °C or °F
pressure: real in Pa - this needs to reduced to the correct altitude (QNH) -
@raffaello-dimartino Not sure if you need to convert pressure because windy already has 3 things:
- Your station's altitude
- Your station's pressure
- The knowledge that most people won't be as considerate and will just send the raw pressure
So windy will do these calculations for you after you send them :)
@seb-schmied @raffaello-dimartino Hello, your station is displayed on Windy already, however the values seems incorrect, temperature is too hight.
Yes Korina,
I cannot use directly the Meteohelix website due to the use of Kelvin unit of measure and the impossibility to do conversions.
So I used my meteohelix plugin for meteotemplate to send also data to Windy.I still not have wind sensor and the sigfox raingauge is not working now