Aviation Weather Charts/Info Request
Great effort is being done here and waiting more.
I request you to provide more aviation comprehensive features/charts since it is my field and this why I subscribed such as:
1-Icing charts including all flight levels.
2-Turbulence charts including all flight levels.
3-Interactive weather watch maps for previewing flight rules. conditions according to the horizontal surface visibility/ceiling. 4-relevant actual chart for viewing the current observed visibility from Airport stations/OWS/Synops/Ships/Personal stations in meters with alert color. and the other important weather elements.
5-Surface pressure analysis with fronts and trend of front whether Frontolysis and Frontogenesis.
6-Sigmet/Airmet/Warning/Area Forecast reports chart.Thanks!
@ahmed-r-salem R O G E R
@ivo Can I expect that to be partially done soon?
@ahmed-r-salem Hi, at this moment, we cannot provide any specific dates.
@korina I understand how busy you are, however, if possible please provide at least icing charts, it will be very appreciated.
Thanks, Korina.
I would love to see some surface pressure analysis too showing fronts. I am a paraglider pilot and an understanding of the passage of fronts really dictates our thermic flying conditions.
@guyanderson Hello, you can read more about this here - https://community.windy.com/topic/13381/fronts/3?_=1599201688226
@guyanderson said in Aviation Weather Charts/Info Request:
I agree with that since frontal boundaries have a great impact on the low-level atmosphere.
@korina Thanks, it helps, but we still need those charts in addition to the possibility of adding Geopotential height at 500hPa with mean sea level pressure since those type of charts gives a relevant look for the upcoming weather systems for the long-range planning.
You can see geopotential at 500hPa, it is possible with Windy but only in combination with specific maps, the one which allow you to select the level with the slider : temperature, wind, etc... So far, it is not possible to combine pressure map at sea level and geopotential at 500hPa.Hope that one day, Windy will improve that
I have suggested several times to have a colored layer of geopotential heights, at different levels set by the altitude slider. Like Wind or Temperature layers. It would then be possible to show this layer e.g. at 500hPa, with the isobars at sea level.
That would be a good solution ! -
@yves70 Yes, hopefully.