Report useless stations
@nyxtorm Hello, there is currently no option to remove stations like that, but we will think about it.
We are not sure about useless data.
Sometimes stations show wrong temperature but the right wind.
Or wrong wind direction (stuck) but the right wind speed.
So, some stations maybe "partially" useless. -
These types of weather stations are personal weather stations (labelled MADIS or PWS). It would be useful to have the possibility to select only official weather stations.
Maybe some type of 'reliability' reporting could be an answer for this, so not totally off, or marked useless, but something to indicate the partial reliability?
And if this reporting could also be sent to the station owner, maybe they might do something to improve their station?
@jmh2002 We will think about that.
hi. just wondering if you could add holfuy weather sations to windy, as we have a number of them in new zealand
@nick-whl Hello, weather station can be added by its owner, therefore we cannot add those stations.
Hello @korina,
For example, Windy could display a kind of warning sign if the data gaps are too large with the nearest stations, or if the value has remained the same for a very long period of time. And each user could have the choice to show (with warning) or just hide these stations.
This would have the advantage of having an automated first filtering while leaving the choice to the user to see the data or not.
That would be very tricky in mountains with stations quite close in distance but at different altitude. I would prefer to have the possibility to select only official weather stations, without the PWS and MADIS ones. -
@nyxtorm Interesting thought.
Also note that the most reliable stations are displayed as first on the map.