How to read Meteogram
It is not the intensity of precipitation per minute. It is the rain forecast during 3 hours. -
Hi! What does the number in the convective mean? Is it a probability of lightnings somehow? If there is 1.4 for example does it mean 1.4 mm of convective rain? Is there a way to predict the change of lightning somehow? Is 1.0 very little or a lot? Many thanks already! Windy is the best weather app :)
@timoti Hello, the number indicates what amount of rain is from convective origin.
Hi @Korina is it possible to display the "rain" and "convective rain" as a daily sum? For example, in the Figure shown below, the accumulated rain for martes 14 (tuesday) would be 15,4 mm of rain and convective rain. In case your answer is no, do you have a Python library which could advice me by solving my rerquirement.
@sochagota said in How to read Meteogram:
Hi @Korina is it possible to display the "rain" and "convective rain" as a daily sum? For example, in the Figure shown below, the accumulated rain for martes 14 (tuesday) would be 15,4 mm of rain and convective rain. In case your answer is no, do you have a Python library which could advice me by solving my rerquirement.
@sochagota Hello, there is no way to display those values as daily sum. The alternative is to use Rain accumulation layer.
¿@Korina, puedo obtener la información o datos en una tabla en lugar de un gráfico?
@alanterra315 We do not offer any other view than you see on
No doubt 'it windy is won the heart the way I also admire the way they predict about weather I am completely follow them in every single day I wish you best of luck.
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
I'm new in this community.
I also need to know about it,
Thanks. -
@Yves70 Would it be better to use 'Fraction of cloud cover' instead of 'Relative humidity'?
Like the difference between Figure 2 (rh) and Figure 3 (cc). -
Thank you. This is a very useful guide for a beginner.
It depends but both infos are of course very useful. As ypu can clearly see in both graphs, there is, fortunately, a correlation ! RH has the advantage to be easyly available and largely used -
Could someone explain to me the meaning of the shaded colors in both the wind speed line and the cloud base line, please?
Stronger winds and lower cloud base are color shaded. -
Thank you!
When I see 0.1 cm rain and 10 cm of snow in the same meteogram forecast, does this mean both types of precipitation are predicted, or that there’s an equivalent of 0.1 cm liquid in the 10 cm snow predicted, (but all of it is expected to fall as snow?)
Rain is shown in mm and snow in cm.
When figures with both units are shown together that means that a proportion of rain is mixed with snow, giving wet snow.Here convective rain in purple and in mm, mixed with snow in light blue and in cm (shown CM)
Using Windy on a Macbook Pro at home for long range weather forecasting. Great.
Once on the Airfield, I only have an iPad mini 4 to hand and the meteogram is very tiny - have I missed a shortcut how to get it to full screen size, or does some extra coding need to be done to offer that capability.
Great App. ✔︎ -
@ozfrog Unfortunately, it is a limitation of mobile device apps. However, I can forward the request to colleagues for consideration.