My premium does not work
Hi, yesterday I purchased windy premium with my iPad but nothing happened since then. I still have the basic version.
I have already done the restore of my purchase, but it still does not work.Can you help me?
Have you buy the Premium offer with the same account that you use to log in the app? -
@idefix37 yes I did.
@idefix37 I have already done this four times. How can I know if my program works.
I am trying to add a video to show what happens to you but it seems I am not able.
@idefix37 when I try to restore my purchase nothing changes
Better for you to wait after Christmas, to get reply from Windy team. They know more about this type of issue. -
@idefix37 unfortunately I didn’t receive any answer and I have been forced to ask for a refund.
@gaetano-mura I have had the same problem. I purchased “premium” on my I pad, received payment confirmation, have tried to “restore” and received the message stating “no service found to restore”. I have sent two emails to Windy asking for help but have not heard back. I’ll give them a couple more days to respond due to Christmas holidays. If I don’t hear back I’ll also cancel the payment/subscription.
@gaetano-mura I received an email from Petra at Windy and my situation is being resolved. My situation was an error on the part of Apple App Store. Good luck getting your problem solved.
Hello @gaetano-mura, I am sorry to hear about this inconvenience. I see that my colleague has already answered you via email :)