Taiwan's meteorological agency has also opened their regional model.
Hi, guys:
As I know Taiwan's CWB(Central Weather Bureau) has opened their regional model and global model data which is grib2 format. I use windy app and web very frequently but I notice that there is no Asia's regional model on windy. There are almost America's and European's model, so I want to know would you be interested in CWB's model data?
Here is the link of open data: https://opendata.cwb.gov.tw/fileapi/opendata/MIC/M-A0064-000.grb2, where 000 means forecast time. It can be 000, 006, 012... to 084.
Yi-Chuan -
@onepunch Hi, thank you for suggestion, we will consider it.
@korina Thanks your replay. If you have any data problem, I can help you or relay your message to CWB. My e-mail is id72228565@gmail.com.
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