How do you see the legend on the maps? -
The legend of all maps is clearly in the right low corner of your screen. -
@a-t59 Hello, if you mean legend for Windy Maps, then you can view it here - https://en.mapy.cz/zakladni?x=14.5045000&y=50.0804000&z=11&lgnd=1
And if you need more information about the different layers of Windy.com, see this topic from the FAQ:
https://community.windy.com/topic/3361/description-of-weather-overlays -
Good evening,
Thank you for the answer.
However, the legend as well as the other bars do not appear on the screen ?!
Are there any options to choose from in the menu ?!
I am using the "OPERA" web browser and tried with another "CHROME" web browser with no results! -
Please could you show a screenshot of this part of your screen? -
Here is the screenshot -
Could you please send me the screenshot when using "Weather Radar" so that I can compare ?!
I would like to understand the reason why the caption does not appear on my screen !?
Thank you -
Indeed, the screenshot of windy.com on my computer really looks like what I can see on my smartphone.
It is however important to point out that windy.com on my smartphone is working well
while I haven't even installed the app (for Android).
I also tested windy.com on my neighbor's computer (screen close to 16/9 so ratio = 1.777) with Safari software on Apple -: correct.
The test with the web browser "Chrome" also gives a correct result.My screen has a ratio of 1.333
the Application installed on my computer is Windows 7.
So where's the problem ?! -
This post is deleted! -
I did a test with the OPERA web browser on a computer with a 16: 9 screen running Windows 10. Unsurprisingly, this is correct.Another test was carried out on a computer with a 16/9 screen with Windows 7 and I see that the problem is identical to mine!
Another test was carried out on a computer with a 16: 9 screen with Windows 7 with the CHROME web browser and the problem is the same.
@a-t59 Hello, Windy does not work at all on your device with this resolution or the only problem is that it is displayed as mobile version?
Chrome, Safari, Opera and other browsers are fully compatible with Windy.
I did a test with the OPERA web browser on a computer with a 16: 9 screen running Windows 10. Unsurprisingly, this is correct.Another test was carried out on a computer with a 16/9 screen with Windows 7 and I see that the problem is identical to mine!
Ok so as @Korina said your OS version is not compatible with Windy.com (browser version). Windy consider your device as a mobile device. You cannot upgrade it?
In the mobile version the colour scale is at bottom of screen but on your screenshot it seems to be cropped by the bottom bar of Windows. So could you reduce the display area? -
I know Windy.com works fine with windows 10 but is not suitable for windows 7 which is installed on my computer.
Or Chrome and Opera web browsers ....What I see on my smartphone (without having installed the app yet) is similar to what I see on my computer screen.
Thank you all for your help.
Good night -
@a-t59 Hello, as mentioned above, we need to see a screenshot of your problem. So far, you did not clarify if Windy does not work at all or the problem is with the mobile interface.
I have already sent you the screenshot.
She appears above in the forum.
I indicated from the start that the caption was not showing on my computer screen.
I then did several searches to determine where the problem was.
(The mobile interface doesn't matter to me.
On the assumption that I do not have a mobile phone, I could not have informed you).
Following the tests that I have been able to carry out, your site works very well on Windows 10 whatever the OPERA or CHROME web browsers or on Apple whatever the SAFARI or CHROME web browsers.
(My OPERA web browser is updated regularly).
I know, for now, that the problem concerns my PC computer running on Windows seven (basic).
Now it remains to be seen if you can fix this problem:- By modifying your site so that it runs on a desktop PC computer running Windows 7 base ?!
- It would depend on the web browser. In this case, I would ask OPERA if it is possible for them to fix it.
- I would continue to consult Windy in part before I get Windows 10 ...
- Please know that I am very sorry that I cannot take full advantage of the Windy site.
I wish you a very nice day.
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