Windy Premium Apple IOS vs. Desktop Web
Hi !
I put this post to indicate how I could solve the non-synchronization of my "Premium" status.
I bought the "PREMIUM" option in 2019 with my iPhone and until now I couldn't manage to restore the purchase for the option to consult windy from the web (PC).
So that no one gets frustrated or believes that I don't understand technology, I lead a team of software developers, I have a degree in Telecommunications Engineering, a postgraduate degree in Industry 4.0 and among other things I program in Python, C++ etc. ;-) but thanks to the feedback of a young man from another post... I have been able to advance in this...
The information is confusing and the system, via desktop (Web) when trying to activate options within the Premium package, showed a box indicating that a code type "WINDY3822...." had to be entered. As you know, no mail arrives for this purpose, from Windy, when you buy with App Store. The mail that arrives is from Apple and there is no reference.
Furthermore, it is clear from the administrators' information that the purchase update is automatic, which is not completely true, at least in my case. I guess because of some kind of bug, etc.
After seeing a post where the son of a user "played" with the connection - disconnection of user to solve it, although it was not completely clear, it was possible to read between the lines.
The solution was:
- Disconnect the user in the IOS Windy app
- Disconnect the user in Desktop (web)
- Connect to IOS Windy
- Connect on the Web (Desktop)
- Test the forecast in 1h
And with this the purchases have been synchronized. Thank you!
I would suggest to Windy to remove the instruction that indicates to put a code "WINDY38.... that arrives in the fastrack... I indicate it because not always (not for all the cases of use) that code arrives. For the apple users that we buy via App Store it certainly doesn't arrive...
This is because it is precisely that message that confuses the user.On the other hand, if the synchronization is as simple (as disconnecting and reconnecting the user accounts from where the PREMIUM was purchased, because as long as the bug is not solved that guarantees the total automation of the purchases, it can be a good shortcut.
Luis (Spain) -
@luisrgtel Dear user, you mentioned that you bought Premium in 2019, however Windy Premium is available from spring 2020. Are you sure you have our App?
Activation process differs based on the platform, where you made the purchase. As described in this article, Windy code "WINDY3822...." needs to be entered only when you bought via desktop (FastSpring).
If you have purchased via App/Google Store, you just need to restore it according to the manual, unless it is already assigned to your account.
Once it is assigned to your account, do you not need to do any other restoration process on desktop separately.
I hope this explanation is more understandable.