Insert new station in Windy
Re: WifiLogger - Easy way how to send data from Davis stations to Windy
I wanted to insert my Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus in Windy using the wifilogger with firmware 2.30. I go to the station registration page but when I save the station, then it doesn't give me the station ID and always tells me that I don't have any saved stations. Where am I wrong?
@matteopv Hello, did you register your station here -
@korina The problem is right there. I register on the page you indicated, at the end I save everything but then I do not get the Station ID and in any case the system tells me that I have no registered station. I tried to register several times. I don't understand why
@matteopv Hi, could you please send us a short video of this. I just tried to register station and everything went well.
@korina Here I am, it's always me. I created a new account and the problem went away. Now my Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus is regularly online
@meteocamporamoso Hi, so @MatteoPV is your second account and you no longer have problem with registering pws, is that correct?