ICON Global now available on Windy.com
Introducing a new model ICON Global on Windy.com.
As we listen to our users, we have decided to implement another highly anticipated model ICON Global 13km to offer even broader spectrum of weather data and options to analyse it. Enjoy!
ICON Global will be added in the app with the next release.
Great, i just think you should add thunderstorm symbols ⚡ in the precipitation like you did in ECMWF
@leo-idt Hello, what layer do you mean please? There should be no difference.
@korina ![text alternatywny](url obrazu) icon i gfs jej nie ma ![text alternatywny](url obrazu)
@korina ECMWF w warstwie deszcz burza ma blyskawice a ICON I GFS nie ma
@przemo1986 @leo-idt Hello, the reason is that ECMWF contains forecast for thunderstorms, therefore we display them. But the rest of the models does not have this data, so we do not display thunderstorm symbols.
ICON Global update not working last updated 1 day ago. Icon EU updates every 6 hours normally. -
@przemo1986 Hello, ICON global should be updated within an hour. Thank you.
@korina I see that in the new ICON model there is a graphic of the storm in the detailed forecast. However, in the ICON -EU model it was not available that season or was it corrected?
@przemo1986, there was a bug with visualization of lightning on the map. The issue is corrected now.
I would recommend clearing your browser's cache and checking the map again – https://7labs.io/tips-tricks/clear-site-specific-cookies-cache.html#Clear_cookies_cache_and_site_data_for_a_specific_website_in_Chrome. -
in the application in the detailed forecast, it was also fixed for the Icon Eu model because only there was such a problem in it -
@petra-pik I do not see flashes in the baseline forecast as it does in the ICON global model. the meteogram shows conventional precipitation but no lightning in the forecast. Neither on the website nor in the application. The problem occurs in Icon eu models in the icon global range is fine.
@przemo1986 ICON model doesn't have lightning visualized, only ECMWF does.
@petra-pik I meant that the ICON EU model does not have a storm indication in the base forecast or in the meteogram and ICON GLOBAL is as shown in the attached picture.
@przemo1986 there are no thunderstorms forecasted for Europe right now. This might be the reason why you don't see the lightning symbol.
We will investigate once there. will be more thunderstorms. -
@petra-pik of course I will wait until the stormy season. However, I am convinced that there is a problem with the storm sign in the baseline forecast for the ICON EU model. I thought this model did not predict storms. only when I saw this sign in the ICON GLOBAL model I found that there must be some error
加油 我现在是一个中国学生 windy真的很强大 我现在一直在用 已经是个老粉丝了 以后经济独立后一定会开通会员!
@petra-pik zaczyna się sezon burzowy a oznaczenia burz nie ma . Ciekawe bo icon global wskazuje burze a icon eu nie może to błąd wizualizacji ?
@przemo1986 ICON shows lightning, you can see some here – https://www.windy.com/51.344/17.578?iconEu,cape,50.951,17.578,8,m:e4JagEs
It indeed seems that ICON shows fewer lightning symbols than other models. We will need some time to monitor if this is the model's forecast of a bug.
@petra-pik Zobacz ze Icon Global wskazuje prawidłowo , wiec wydaje sie ze to problem z Icon EU