Customizing user input
Hej guys
Thanks to the creators - great platform!
I have some feedback, suggestions to your graphic user sheet. (not sure if this is a repeat).
I am looking at the timeline possibilities you give, fine with the slider and "play-button", but,
i am missing 2 buttons. "plus 1 hour"(+) and "minus 1 hour"(-)This would give much more step-by-step control.
I know i could just click on the slider to a new time, but i´m using many mouse clicks on a fine scale slider to hit the time i want.
I really hope you would consider this positive feedback to an update - thanks.
Seanray -
@seanray Hello, thank you for your feedback and suggestion.
You can move time in 1hr steps by using keyboard arrows, in case you are referring to desktop version of Windy.
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