Error message - wind did not show up
I used this app and it works well until recently it did not work. See this error:
}Error consoleError no: 1
"timestamp": 1611978035622,
"runningMs": 548,
"type": "user",
"module": "plugin",
"msg": "Failed to load plugin: patch: undefined",
"url": "http://localhost/#/?2021-01-30-03,53.488,-138.428,4",
"ver": "27.3.1",
"target": "mobile",
"deviceID": "2953cc5a-6c42-30a0-9777-77973b9ae58b",
"error": " {
"isTrusted": true
"isOnline": true,
"latestBcast": "bcast: tokenRecieved eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtYWdpYyI6Mzg3LCJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25UaWVycyI6WyJwcmVtaXVtIl0sInVzZXJJRCI6MjU4Mzk4NiwiaWF0IjoxNjExOTc4MDM1LCJleHAiOjE2MTIxNTA4MzV9.kvNrkW0z94aCoNZbIOvBiczvjLtDq8cYAw2n60EPIX8 (44ms ago at 1611978035578)
bcast: rqstOpen user (44ms ago at 1611978035578)
bcast: userLoggedIn (34ms ago at 1611978035588)
bcast: log user-logged-in (33ms ago at 1611978035589)
bcast: notificationsAvailable (11ms ago at 1611978035611)",
"sessionName": "us-Jeffrey_traveler",
"sessionCounter": 44,
"lang": "en",
"retina": true,
"size": "384x824",
"glParticles": false,
"platform": "android",
"errorID": "failed-to-load-plugin-patch-undefined"