Hourly forecasts
I'm giving a try to the free demo API but all forecasts come in a 3 hour ranges. This happens using the gfs and iconEu models.
The proffessional APi does have hourly forecasts? Or is it all the same, having just 3 hour ranges?
Thanks! :)
@alpinazo Hello, API does offer only 3h forecast, 1h is not included.
@korina How does Windy itself manage to show the 1-hour forecast in the table on Windy.com? When Googling a bit, I see for example that GFS does not provide a more fine-grained forecast than 3-hourly: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/model-data/model-datasets/global-forcast-system-gfs
In 2016 GFS seems to have changed to 1h time steps.
Windy is not the lonely app showing GFS with hourly forecasts. -
@idefix37 Thank you for you reply. That is good to know. Is there a way to also get this hourly GFS forecast through the Windy Forecast API?
@dmast Hello, Windy API does not offer forecast in 1 hour steps, only in 3hr.