Webcam-API does not deliver all webcams
there are some Webcams shown on which are not found by the API.
For example, the webcam from Ingolstadt does not appear in the list.
curl --request GET --url ',11.429722,1/orderby=distance?show=webcams:basic,category,image,location,user' --header 'x-windy-key: XXX' {"status":"OK","result":{"offset":0,"limit":10,"total":0,"webcams":[]}}(base)
Do you know why?
Steffen -
@steffen-weber Hello, are you using the professional API or the free API?
@korina The professional API
@steffen-weber The Professional Map API?
@korina The Webcam API
@steffen-weber Hello, some webcams may be missing, providers may decide that they do not want to appear outside of Windy.
@korina Thank you for the answer...
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