Admin please: Premium account, can't log in on phone after reinstalling the app on Android
since the last update for my note 10 plus Windy showed the 'you're offline' red bar on the top all the time so i uninstalled and reinstalled it. When i tried to log in it said 'wrong password' so i tried to change it only to see 'your new password shouldn't be your old one'... anyway, i changed it and still can't log in. coming home i see my pc is still logged in with the old password and i have to wait 10min before trying again on my phone.
WTF?! Shall i call for a refund? i like the app when it works but this is just annoying.What do i need to do to log in on my phone?
thanks for any help,
Works now. Don't know why but - yay!
Hello @koenig-ubu this is unusual. Is it possible that you have restarted your phone before the application started to work again?
Hi Petra,
I did not restart it after the failed attempts and 10min waiting. I changed the password using my pc (that still was logged into my account even though i changed the password on my phone and received the confirmation email)
When changing the password i used the one i set up on my phone as my old one and chose a new one (on PC) and the login on my phone and PC worked... all very weird...Best,