iPhone 12 issue
Hi, I upgraded to iPhone 12. I use the windy app to check wave height. After the upgrade wave heights are incorrect like .03 ft height when it should be more like 1-2ft. Anyone see this issue. Perhaps a setting. My iPad works without issu. Both are running IOS 14.1. Thanks.
@kvoigt59 said in iPhone 12 issue:
wave heights are incorrect like .03 ft height when it should be more like 1-2ft
Does your iPhone shows a different wave height to your iPad? Have you selected the same wave layer and the same model?
@idefix37 no... the wave heights on the iPad at 1-2 feet. The iPhone 12 has .03-.04 feet wave. Settings are the same on both. Thanks
@kvoigt59 found the problem.. waves were set to m not ft. Thanks
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