Forecast comparisons missing on Tablet
I recently purchased an Android ( Samsung ) 8 inch tablet and the forecast comparisons are missing at the bottom of the app. My Moto phone works fine ? And help would be appreciated. Different version for the tablet ?
@whispering-pines Hello, please post a screenshot. What is your Android version and app version?
@korina Thanks for your prompt concern. Not sure about how to get the screen shot but Windy 28.1.1 , 2021-02-16 , 13:15. Android 10. Same versions of each on my Moto G power phone.
Just figured it out . On the tablet you have to scroll to the right to see all the other variables. Thanks, Dave in New Jersey USA -
@korina Just thought to say that Windy is by far the best weather app that I have ever used. The choices and available information are incredible. I will definitely upgrade now. Been around computers and technology since the stone age. Your team deserves many pats on your backs for a job well done. Keep up the good work there's too much useless garbage that's only really designed to steal your information. Thanks again.