waves, or swell,swell 2 ? I am confused.
For fishing from my boat, what do I look at . Waves, swell, swell 2 ?? Confusing
Please find information about Waves and Swell layers:
https://community.windy.com/topic/15557/can-someone-please-help-me-understand-waves-vs-swell-vs-swell-2/3?_=1619903778348The main information for you is Waves which provides the prediction of waves height and direction.
Swell and Wind waves (that you find in More layers) are just additional information to get an idea about the sea surface shape, as well as Period which gives the time laps between 2 main wave crests.
In More layers you will find also Currents and Tidal currents which can be of interest for you, depending where you are fishing.
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