ITCZ location
I am a newbie to this forum and weather in general. I am wondering if there is a feature in windy for tracking the position of ITCZ? Thanks.Calvin
Hi, there is no special feature on Windy to locate the ITCZ, the InterTropical Convergence Zone. As it is named this zone is where the trade winds are converging near the equator. So look at Wind layer in this area to see where they converge.It is an area with deep convection which develop many cumulo-nimbus. These clouds are easy to identify on Satellite INFRA+
They lead to heavy rain in this region that is shown by the Rain accumulation layer for several days
@idefix37 Thanks for the response. It is quite clear in the Atlantic. Is there an equivalent in the Indian sub continent? The ITCZ moves north significantly over the Indian subcontinent, but I am not able to see its current state in the Indian ocean. Thanks.
Calvin -
Yes, you are right. I have shown the easiest example of ITCZ location, i.e in the Atlantic. It is not so obvious over India due to the monsoon phenomena. In summer the ITCZ moves north up to the buttresses of the Himalayan chain. In winter it moves southward to Northern Territory Australia. At the moment we are just in the middle and winds are not clearly settled.
But combining Wind, Satellite INFRA+ and Rain accumulation as shown in the Atlantic, I would say that the ITCZ is now along the equator in the Indian Ocean.
To locate the equator, in Settings -> Show lat, lon grid -
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