Apple Watch app not updating Wind Forecast
@ivo watchOS 7.4
Apple watch SE
@manninwind Hello, does this happen right after you open the app or once you click on something?
First thing this morning ECMWF was showing wind speed and direction. All the other feeds were showing zero wind speed and aligned north. About an hour later ECMWF had reverted to zero and north alignment.When I went to Watch settings on my iPhone and toggled “Show App on Apple Watch” off/on, I got all the forecast feeds working correctly.
In answer to your question, it happens after I open the app on my watch, or when I select Wind Forecast. -
@Korina Let's add this buf to Bug Tracker with medium priority and assign it to @SimonUrbanek
@manninwind We already know about this bug and our developer is working on a fix. We will try to release update as soon as possible.
Rotating the Crown wheel to change time from NOW to a future time, may also clear the problem.