Forcast isn't accurate for Puerto Princesa City. Especially temperature. Think possibly data is from other place.
Forecast is never accurate for Puerto Princesa City. Especially temperatures which is consistently off. Temperatures are usually 32 - 33 C which is reflected in other weather apps, but usually forcasted at 28 to 29C on this app.
@skydawg719 Dear user, we visualize forecast based on weather models outputs. We recommend to try all the available models for you location to determine upcoming weather conditions.
Yes, it seems there is quite a difference between forecast of some models and reported temperatures.
In Windy there is a feature which allows you to compare forecast and observation to find the best model in your area. think Meteoblue is the best one for your location. Here is the comparison with the airport weather station at Puerto Princesa city.
However Meteoblue model is not available as weather map like other models but only as meteogram. And it is not used for the widget as well which is based only on ECMWF model.
So for temperature forecast, the best for you is to save Puerto Princesa city as favorite. Then select this favorite to open Basic meteogram with Meteoblue.