Disturbing Weather
On Tuesday 4-5-2021 at 04:30Z
A strange and disturbing weather phenomenon happened, the temperature jumped suddenly by 7 degrees Clesius in only 30 minutes! (the previous report at this location was at 04:00Z).Also, we must take in consideration that this happened in a location near a major city not in a remote place with harsh weather like: mountains, deserts or depressions.
@ahmed-a-as Hello, this is weather station, sudden changes may be caused by a disturbance.
@korina You -certainly- mean that there is an atmospheric disturbance, as you can see clearly the rest of the report which makes sure that the event is real.
This may be the result of some hot desert air mass, local microclimate, wrong sensor measure or yet wrong encoding of METAR report.
Cairo urban area is known to have a microclimate which generates fast warmup in the morning and slow cool down in the evening (sunrise was just around the warmup hour that day).
For that date and ICAO station, METAR reports do contain such a +7°C jump in 30m. METAR reports provided by HECA may be obtained e.g. from OGIMET site; they confirm what Windy displayed: observed temperature value grows up from 23 to 30°C between 04h and 04h30m UTC (1st image below).
SYNOP reports from very nearby station also show such a big temperature jump 23.3 --> 32.2 °C between 03h UTC and 06h UTC (2nd image below).
Other sites (e.g. this one) also show same temperature jump for same day; the slope of the temperature curve is much steeper by 4h UTC on May 4th than in nearby days (3rd image below).
@vsinceac Now, I became more disturbed.
Another significant temperature jump, this time it happened within 1 hr with the same amount ( 7 degrees Clesius ).
Also, we can notice that this jump was the third in a row. the previous jumps were smaller, but, they all happened at the same time period ( #1 was by 4 degrees & #2 was by 5 degrees ). -
@ahmed-a-as Hello, and the jump was only reported by the station or also by the selected model?
@Korina Weather models never report temperature jumps, the weather station shown above did, can't you see the screenshot?!
@Ahmed-A-AS Yes, I can see the screenshot, but as already stated we are not responsible for the station's data.
@Korina I know this, I just wanted to record this amazing phenomenon. This is not a bug report it is only a general discussion, do you have an explanation to this phenomenon?