How can I hide the progress bar and keep map updated to current weather?
Totally new to Windy, so my question may be really basic...
We use the forecast API to display a Windy map into which we add various markers and lines and such. We also want to access different layers, such as pressure and temperature and clouds as well. However, we are only interested in the 'current' weather, we don't need the progress bar at the bottom.
So I have two questions then:
- How can we hide the progress bar? Is there a flag or option that can be set for this?
- How can we arrange for the map to refresh itself to stay up to date time-wise? Do we have to reload the entire page from time to time? Or does the map refreshes itself?
Thank you very much...
@jbrendel123123 Hello, timeline bar cannot be hidden, furthermore the weather animation refresh itself once the user refreshes the page.
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