Suggestion: Use the mouse wheel to scroll though time
It would be very nice to be able to use the wheel to move through time.
Two suggestions:
- Use the regular wheel when the mouse pointer is over the time slider at the bottom of the screen - currently the wheel as not effect there
- I have a logitech mouse where the wheel can be pushed sideways. It would also be nice to use that ability. This could be used regardless of where the mouse pointer is located as it has not effect anywhere on the screen.
Thanks !
I think currently available UI controls on timebar (Left/Right Arrow, DragAndDrop) are far enough for such a temporal feature...
@vsinceac We probably do not have the same use case. It's quite important for PG pilots to see the evolution of the forecasts along the day.
@vicb exatamente
@vicb What's wrong with using the arrow keys? Moving the pointer over the bar and scrolling is kind of awkward. Though the sideways scrolling (assuming it has no other use) could make a nice feature indeed.
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